2022 Q1 Powersports Industry Market Report
Seasonality returned to pricing in the first quarter, something we haven’t seen in more than two years. Year- over-year pricing is still very favorable, but compared to the 4th quarter of last year, has pulled back mildly.
In the motorcycle segment, values for the most recent 10 model years of cruisers averaged 0.7% lower in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the last quarter of 2021. Year-over-year, values were 13.1% higher in the first quarter of each year. Sportbikes brought 3.1% less money this quarter, and 11.7% more money year-over-year.
In the side-by-side category, values for the utility segment averaged 2.5% lower in the first quarter of 2022 compared to the first quarter of 2021. Year-over-year, values were 14.6% higher in the first quarter of each year. Sport side-by-sides averaged 2.6% lower this quarter, and 23.4% higher year-over-year.
Prior to the Russian invasion of Ukraine, consumer spending on powersports equipment was strong despite increasing inflation, the end of individual stimulus, and more competition for dollars from the service and travel sectors. The spike in gas prices and general inflation resulting from the invasion may have finally pushed demand for powersports vehicles past the peak. We’ll know whether we’re in a transition period as the spring progresses.